Monday, December 30, 2013

When the Stars Fall Fan Art

I hope you all had a merry Christmas and that this holiday season is finding you well.  As for things happening in my writerly world, quite a bit is going on.  My beta reader, Carly, is nearly done reading When the Stars Fall and I'm making my last few rounds of edits.  I'm adding scenes and fixing character development- it's great.  I hope to have this ready before spring break, but we'll see how long this whole process takes.

As of today, I have passed 67 likes on my facebook page,  Before break, I was sitting at about 50, so it's been exciting there.

I also got my very first fan art, courtesy of my wonderful beta reader Carly.  She's drawn Halyn in her coronation dress and Halyn and Esteban being adorable with their Carys marks.

Compared to my attempts of visualizing my characters...they're even lovelier       
The outfits the Keidreians put them in immediately...

...and then force them to change into training outfits only a few hours later...

And then my attempt at coronation clothes (which isn't half as pretty as Carly's sparkly starry dress up there...but here's for comparison)

Oh, yeah.  I cheated with a doll maker.  I'm horrible at drawing.   But this helps me picture my characters better.  And also is a great form of procrastination.

Here's another one of Esteban's outfits...(he's special-he gets four pictures.  I had to even out the one Carly did of just Halyn, I'm kidding.  This is just Esteban when he's older.)
cute, isn't he?

Well, that's all I've got for today.  Thanks everyone!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Newest Ideas

I'm still plugging away at Beauty is Blind, but that doesn't mean I don't have any new ideas.

For you, my faithful (nonexistent) followers, I have a special treat: I'm going to tell you about the two newest ideas I have tumbling around in my head.

The first takes place in the same realm as Beauty is Blind, and is set in the province of Melusine.  It's tentatively titled Silence is Singing, and is a combination retelling of two of Hans Christian Anderson's stories, The Wild Swans and The Little Mermaid.  The only thing more I shall tell you about it are the characters' names: Elisa Katriel, Izekiel Elam, Gabriel Elijah and Raphael Elisha, Lionel Ellis, Samuel Ellery, and Daniel Elliot.

The second is an idea for putting the Bible story of Esther in a modern high school setting, with characters named Star, X and Morrie (instead of Esther, Xerxes, and Mordecai).  There would be gang warfare involved.